Wednesday, March 21, 2007

7 weeks left

It's hard to imagine, but we're only 7 weeks away from parents!!! How scary is that!!! Anyways things are going really well with the pregnancy. The baby is continuing to develop properly, and Anetha is doing well with her weight gain. The baby is very active right now, and sometimes you can see the baby, her stomach moves as the baby rolls, or as he/she kicks or whatever it is that he/she is doing in the womb. And just for the fun of it i'll give you some facts about this week out of our book, The Pregnancy Bible, "Rapid brain grwoth has increased the size of your baby's head by approximately 3/8" this week. Fat continues to accumulate, and this turns her skin from red to pink." It's amazing all the stuff that can happen in one week. The baby is about 12" crown to rump, and weighs between 4-1/2 - 5 lbs.

How do you guys make those countdown things at the top of your blog?? If you could let me know, I'll set one up for the baby countdown, even though it's only 7 more weeks.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's getting so close, I bet you're both just super excited... You're going to be wonderful parents.
About the countdown. All I did was click on someone elses and then the website comes up and lets you make one. Then at the end it will give you all of this computer lingo that you cut and paste into your blog... it took me a little while to work it but don't give up, it will be great!

Avey said...

I am so freaking excited for the two of you. A baby will be such a fun adventure.
And I love the baby facts of the week. Keep them coming.

Avey said...

Steve, you need to post more. I am so excited for you and have so many questions.
I'll give you a list of things to blog about
-where do you live?
-what does your house look like?
-do you have any pets? why or why not?
-any baby names picked out? are you keeping them a secret?
-where do you work?????
Maybe you should let Anetha write some entries. Girls usually give more details...